Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Boston & New York.... possible church plant destinations?

So we just got back from a trip to the northeast to check out some possible cities to Church plant in. We went with another couple who is interested in Church planting, as well as a few students who wanted to check out grad schools.

First we went to Boston for three days... we walked A LOT and saw about as much of the city as possible!

Then we took a bus to New York and stayed there three days also. Again, a lot of walking!

Aside from the usual tourist attractions, we made it a point to walk around the different nieghborhoods and areas of each city, getting a feel for what life is like for the locals.

We also got to meet with church planters in each city. It was great, we got a lot of advice and perspective on the challenges that come along with planting in the northeast. We still don't know if that is where we will end up... but it is definitely an option!


alicia kristine said...

got here via Kristen Queen~ blessings as you prepare for the next leg of your journey!

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