Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gosh it's been a while!

Ok ok, I know. I've completely slacked off on the Hager Fam blog! Here's a quick update on what we have been up to. Well, more like things we would love prayer for!

First, Church planting!!! August is getting closer and closer, and we still have a lot to do to get ready! We are about to start the exciting process of fundraising, please pray for us in this!!!

Second, my sweet grandpa passed away the other week. He lived a long life of 87 years, but came down with pneumonia and his body just couldn't fight it off. The very same night, my dog Rusty also passed away from a tumor. She was 16 years old- my family got her from the pound when I was in middle school- so she lived a long full life as well. Needless to say, it was a very sad week. We will be traveling out to California next week for a memorial for my grandpa and to spend time with family.

And last, on a more positive note, we have found a new fertility specialist that is helping us get to the bottom of why we haven't been able to start a family yet. He is great, and we are feeling very optimistic about everything! Please pray for us that God would bless us soon with a healthy pregnancy, but even more pray that we would desire God's will above our own, and that we will continue to trust Him with our future even if we are never able to conceive.

Well, that about does it! I'll try not to wait a month and a half before posting again!!!

1 comment:

The Queens said...

Wow - so much going on for both of you right now. We'll be praying for you. Let us know if there is anything that you need!